Skip button - authentication
What: Allow people who do not have assigned login details yet, to add items to be uploaded.
Business Case": As a user, I want to be able to skip authentication if I do not have a login yet
Add Skip button and allow users to navigate to Add Screen -
Allow users to add items to pending #32 (closed) - Needs to be done first to continue !28 (merged)
Adding a file to pending
- Given I have pressed 'Skip' at authentication
- I should see the 'Add' Screen
- And when I tap 'Upload File'
- And then I select a file to be uploaded
- And then I fill in the fields 'Description' and 'Title' with 'Test' and 'Test'
- And when I press 'Add File to Pending'
- I should see the 'Pending Screen'
- And I should see 'Test' on a Pending Card.
Uploading pending files
- Given I have added a file to pending and have navigated to Pending Screen
- When I press upload
- I should see the error message: 'You have not logged in'
Edited by Kristina Hoeppner