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  • Jiri Baum's avatar
    License metadata - pieform select element "allow other" option. (Bug #1095499) · 1ddebc03
    Jiri Baum authored
    Extend the Pieform select element with an "allow other" option. When this
    option is present and true, the user can either select one of the options given
    or enter a value in a text field.
    This is used by the license metadata feature primarily to implement the "custom
    license" option, where users can either select one of the configured licenses
    or enter a URL. It is also used on the admin license edit page when there are
    licenses in use which have not been configured.
    Change-Id: I4e68651c4ea35699e9037ea8c9afca0bdbf94d11
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJiri Baum <>