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  • Cecilia Vela Gurovic's avatar
    Bug 1857936: Lock page and artefact instructions · 479ff998
    Cecilia Vela Gurovic authored
    - A new page setting “Template” is added to the
    “Advanced” panel on all portfolio page areas of
    Mahara (personal, group, institution, site)
    with a Yes/No switch
    - added 2 columns to view table:
    'templatetocopy': indicates if the view is a
      template that can be copied
    'originaltemplate': if it has a value then the view
      is a copy of a template and should have
      the instructions locked.
      The value it contains is the viewid of
      the original template.
    - if a view is a copy of a template: display
    instructions in view settings and text blocks
    but don't allow to edit them. If empty, don't show them.
    - When adding a new text block to a page,
    don't allow to add instructions
    - Allow to remove the lock on a copy for roles:
        site admins in institution and site pages
        institution admins in institution pages
        group admins in group pages
    - If a template view is deleted from the site,
    then all the locked copies it has will remain locked.
    Change-Id: I47e98cf8413da5ba6d5dea0e29dddbd80c481317