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  • Tobias Zeuch's avatar
    New watchlistnotification Plugin (Bug 1041228) · 6fe99d5f
    Tobias Zeuch authored and Robert Lyon's avatar Robert Lyon committed
    Introducing a new plugin watchlistnotification that responds to the
    events saveartefact, blockinstancecommit and deleteblockinstance. It
    stores the changed view and the blockinstance in a table watchlist_queue
    and checks via cron if there were any changes on a view and if for that
    view the last change has happened some time ago (the minutes are stored
    in config under watchlistnotification_delay, the default is 20min).
    If so, a message is generated that informs the watchlist recipient about
    which view and which block-instances on this view have been touched
    (added or changed).
    As there is no way to disable the built-in/old watchlist-notification-
    system, this is disabled in the mahara-core code, that is,
    artefact/lib.php and lib/view.php
    Change-Id: I039c5285cdd1b09ed9eb38a647e0c1510c3cabb9
    Signed-off-by: default avatarTobias Zeuch <>