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  • Mark Webster's avatar
    Adds 'production' command line argument for gulp and make (Bug 1507811) · 899bd43f
    Mark Webster authored and Robert Lyon's avatar Robert Lyon committed
    Adds 'yargs' and 'gulp-if' to allow the css to be compiled with
    expanded comments for easier debugging.
    Gulp Usage:
    Running 'gulp' will behave the same as before this patch.
    Running 'gulp --production false' will compile the css with
    debug comments in place.
    Make Usage:
    Running 'make css' will behave as before.
    Running 'make css production=false' will compile the css with
    debug comments in place.
    Change-Id: I83fa35a9ac179b0419dc0160b58cac01b929734a
    (cherry picked from commit 364c007a)
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