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  • Evonne Cheung's avatar
    Bug 1915975 Design adjustments for bootstrap 5 · 6eb00f97
    Evonne Cheung authored and Robert Lyon's avatar Robert Lyon committed
    - Remove underline in dropdown options.
    - Fix active state for badges for text to be readable.
    - Put in a style for carousel captions.
    - Fix the delete post collapsible in forum.
    - Fix the active state of the btn primary so it doesn't inherit
    text colour instead (might need to revise this one as there
    might be a reason for it forgotten).
    - Skin thumbnail link outline to full image.
    - Correct the vertical alignment of the collapsible indicator in
    attachments and card-footer.
    - Increased the width of the datepicker to allow font differences.
    - Fix card list-group last child background covering the card
    bottom border radius.
    - Fix the attachment table that visually need to align with the
    list-group attachment.
    - Fix the help icon z-index in form-group.
    - Fix Plan tasks collapse indicator placement.
    - Fix header loading icon alignment and responsive header not wrapping.
    - Fix modal comment attachment width to full width.
    - Fix secret url table bottom border.
    - Fi...