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  • Cecilia Vela Gurovic's avatar
    Merge changes from topic 'WR 304034' · 29a4af9b
    Cecilia Vela Gurovic authored
    * changes:
      Bug 1810990: blocktype: externalfeed -  count field     - additional: indentation changes, documentation, function simplificatoins
      Bug 1810990: blocktype data: recentforumposts - create_forumposts() for bulk creation of forumposts     additional:         - tidied up external feeds         - normalise() and validate fields in BehatGenerators to accept yes no
      Bug 1810990: blocktype data: recentforumpsts - create_forum() to create bulk forums
      Bug 1810990: blocktype data: recentforumposts - documentation
      Bug 1810990: blocktype data: plans -  documentation for create_task()
      Bug 1810990: blocktype: recentforumposts
      Bug 1810990: blocktype: plans (incl. create_task(), create_plan())     - additional: set_owner for creating owners of  artefacts
      Bug 1810990: blocktype: navigation     - additional: documentation and tidy up functions
      Bug 1810990: blocktype: creativecommons
      Bug 1810990: blocktypes: peerassessment, comment     - additional: documentation
      Bug 1810990: blocktypes: journal, journalentry     - additional: tidy up names
      Bug 1810990: blocktype: pdf
      Bug 1810990:  blocktype: internalmedia, behat columns, addition to upload_file    - additional: name changes and indentation
      Bug 1810990: behat table: removal of colummn, row, order     - text field removed in data column of text
      Bug 1810990:  behat table: clear up name changes and additional fields
      Bug 1810990: behat table: field names  data section     additional:         - rearrange order of functions folder, filedownload, gallery
      Bug 1810990: blocktype: html
      Bug 1810990: blocktype: folder   - reorganise generate_config functions alphabetically   - create_file_artefact function
      Bug 1810990: blocktypes: externalfeed,externalvideo,socialprofile,gallery,image       - reorganised switch into smaller functions       - indentation of code
      Bug 1810990: Beginning to get a behat background step for blocks